Many years ago, a boy fell so deeply in love with the James Bond franchise that he told his parents he was going to grow up to join the army and then become a spy. His parents, peace loving people, opted instead to stick him in community theater and pray he ended up wanting to be an actor instead. 

Their prayers were answered and now that boy is grown up and dead set on being in a James Bond movie…eventually. 

After years of acting in school, camps and community theaters, I went off to NYU Gallatin where I was trained as an actor under the incredible people at Fiasco Theater Company for four years, all while I studied politics and history with my amazing NYU professors.

I graduated with a BA in Interdisciplinary Studies and a thesis that revolved around storytelling in politics and history. Once I received my degree, I hit the ground running as an actor. I acted in off-Broadway shows like “It Came From Beyond” (St. Luke’s) or “The Argentinian Prostitute Play” (Theatre Row). I did experimental work in New York like “Gain” (This is Not a Theatre Company). Eventually I started acting in incredible regional tours. First I played Macbeth for Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival’s WillPower Tour and then I started a repertory tour with Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey playing Julius Caesar and Oberon. The STNJ tour came to a halt in March of 2020, as did the rest of the world. 

The pandemic brought on a lot of fear and uncertainty in my acting career, as it did for millions of other artists. However, I refused to stop doing what I loved and started an online theatre collective with dozens of other actors, writers, directors and theatre workers. For a year, we did online play readings, workshops and happy hours to keep in touch with art and other artists. It was a magical experience that reinforced my love for the world of theatre and all the people that make it possible. 

With in-person theatre again a possibility, I am back to auditioning, rehearsing and living out my dream of being an actor every day.